Invest in Yourself | The Better Than Rich Show Ep. 1
Invest in Yourself
We here at Better Than Rich know the importance of investing in yourself. It’s one of the most important things you can do.
We are all about the development of ourselves and others, but the others can’t come into play if we aren’t in the right place. There is no way to pour into someone from an empty cup.
Luckily, these important investments provide big returns. Investing in yourself can teach you a multitude of things. Here are some things we’ve learned and tips we’ve collected while investing in ourselves.
What Is This Experience Teaching Me?
It’s important to start with your thoughts and point of view. When we step into situations looking for progress and a positive outcome instead of expecting a problem, problems turn into opportunities.
We should do this with our relationships as well. This helps present what our relationship is teaching and doing for us. Reflecting on this topic can help you decide what you need to do to improve your current relationships and decide what the reasoning is for creating new ones.
Self Reflection
Self-reflection is an important part of investing in yourself. The only way to have true self-reflection is to allow for a mentally safe space for the truth. Sometimes it can be difficult to ask yourself those tougher questions, but you’ll never answer honestly if you know judgment will come shortly after.
During a self – reflection questions come up that resemble “Am I good enough” “Is this the right time” “What is my purpose”. Questions like this are called the Imposter Syndrome. This is where a person starts feeling like they aren’t enough or don’t fit in with their peers. The best way to counteract the Imposter syndrome is to decide who your true authentic self is and put in the work.
Who are you when no one is looking? That is your true authentic self.
Knowing who that looks like, sounds like, acts like, is important so you can step into the best version of yourself when it’s time to serve yourself and others best.
The Market Determines Your Value
There are a lot of people who want to go beyond, they believe they aren’t being paid enough and are worth more. Sadly, we don’t get to decide our Value, the Market does. Instead of saying that you deserve more, the correct question is to ask “What can I do to make myself more valuable?”.
“What is the pathway for me to my level of value that I’m offering to the marketplace, and therefore actually receive the funds that I want to receive to be able to live the life that I want to live,” states Andrew Biggs.
You must find a plan to add value to yourself to receive the life you desire and ‘deserve’.
Because sadly, no one owes you anything. You are here to solve problems, so what problem are you solving? The bigger the problem that is solved the more people will want what you are selling or providing.
Being Unattached
Being attached to your outcomes leads to emotional suffering. Attachment leads an individual to believe they need something to happen.
When we bring the energy of need, we are expressing the fact that we lack things, which shows that we are desperate. Bringing this energy repels the things we want instead of attracting us to them.
The best way to compel rather than repel is to ensure you are serving your customer’s best interests first. If it’s a no-sale? No biggie.
You must be in a mindset that you don’t need anything or anyone so you can approach each situation with a leveled mind focused on progress, not problems.